Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday at the Gym

1) Rode 8.08 miles (45:03 min) on the recumbent bike
2) Stretched both IT bands for a total of about 5 minutes
3) Did 0.8 mile (10 min) on the elliptical
4) Walked 1.15 miles (20:04 min) on the treadmill
5) Ran 0.23 mile (3 min) on the treadmill

The running didn't feel very good, eventhough I was already warmed up from the rest of the workout. Felt sorta creaky, several aches and pains came to the surface. I'll keep stretching and taking it pretty easy. Meanwhile, PT starts next week. I'll be doing plenty of crosstraining between now and then!

1 comment:

teacherwoman said...

Glad you are listening to your body. I am sure keeping track of your daily workouts and how you feel afterwards will be very helpful in the future!

Keep stretching! You are a rockstar!


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