Friday, February 16, 2007

Taking it up a notch

This morning, I did 10 minutes on the treadmill, then a hard 65 minutes on the elliptical. I burned 706.9 calories and went 4.80 miles. I'm feeling a little tired now and wishing I could take a 30-minute nap, but work calls!

Several people have mentioned my weight loss this week, most of whom told me I look pretty. It's made me wonder, did I not look pretty before? Surely part of it is that I feel and look healthier, and I carry myself differently. One co-worker told me about another acquaintance of hers who lost a lot of weight and how her face looked very different. She finally figured out that one of the nicely different things was that she could see this person's eyes better. I thought that was an interesting observation.

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