Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Speedy Tuesday

I went ahead and did my speed workout today, somewhat against my coach's advice. I was hoping to be able to run outside again today, to compare it to last week's outdoor speed workout. (I also love that I've finally figured out how to sync my Garmin to my online training log which makes it sooo much easier to record my runs!) I decided to run on the nearby, softer treadmill, as a compromise. ("Run on softer surfaces this week," she said.)

So, I hit the treadmill for the splits below. My plantar fasciitis bothered me today, and I think I felt a little bit of burning in the ball of my right foot, but I couldn't quite tell if it was a phantom pain because I was looking for it, or a real one.

Walked 0.53 mi in 10:09
Ran 1 mile in 14:06
Ran 1 mile in 13:51
Ran 0.50 mile in 6:17
Ran 0.50 mile in 6:11
Walked 0.51 mile in 9:06

Yep, I wonder how it'll be if I can get my feet feeling right, now that my legs seem to be ITBS-free. (Woohoo!) I received the Spenco gel cushions for the balls of my feet. Actually, I just need it for the right onw (maybe), but I wonder if I should where both for balance the next time I run. Huh. I don't want to get overzealous with the gadgets. Maybe I'll call the podiatrist's office tomorrow and check on possible cancellations! Meanwhile, I am icing my feet as I type!


Johann said...

Be patient and take it easy. It’ll be worth it in the end. Good luck! To get rid of ITB is great.

Lesley Looper said...

Thanks, Johan! I needed the reminder to have patience! :) Our bodies do heal, given time and rest (and sometimes treatment)!

Christina said...

I should try syncing again. I have a cable issue or something with my Garmin and its finicky on when it works so I just quit trying.


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