Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Back on...the treadmill...again

After taking a rest day yesterday (following Sunday's Record Heat Walk 5K), I had an easy workout this morning, 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill, which turned into 1.55 miles. I followed it with some stretching, core work, and upper body strength training with free weights. It was a pretty decent workout, and I'm finding I'm enjoying this "power down" week, which my coach planned for me. When I think about it, 8 races since mid-January is a pretty busy schedule. I'm glad to be shifting away from racing for a few weeks, as I build my endurance a bit.

On the medical front, I returned to the orthopaedist this morning for a follow-up to knee and IT band pain. She was pleased with my progress so far, as well as running plans for the summer and fall, so she released me! Yay! Don't get me wrong, I really like this orthopaedist, but I'm relieved to be getting stronger, while making better training and racing decisions. (Okay, Brennan has helped a lot with that!)

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