Thursday, May 17, 2007

Back to 60 Minutes

I did 60 minutes on the elliptical this morning, tried going backwards a little more this time.

Time at the Rice House has been interesting lately. I've been trying to move around a bit to sit with different people at meal time. It amazes me what people will say about what I eat, eventhough it's all on the program. One thing I hear a lot with newer people, as well as returning Ricers I'm meeting for the first time is, "You're eating THAT? For BREAKFAST?" To hear them, I may as well be a child getting caught eating a bag of potato chips and salsa for breakfast, when all it is is brown rice, TVP, chopped onions, a little wheat bran and balsamic vinegar. All mixed up, it tastes good to me, and is filling! (Of course, I have my fruit with the meal too, but don't mix that in.) Now some people I sit with are intrigued and say they'll have to try it (bit maybe for a different meal!). I just have to remember to be okay with doing my own healthy thing!

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