Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday at the Gym

1) Rode 3.5 miles (20:01 min) on the recumbent bike
2) Stretched by IT Bands for about 2 minutes
3) Rode another 4.5 miles (25:07 min) on the recumbent bike
4) Walked 0.56 mile (10:08 min) on the treadmill

My right IT band is getting better, though it's still tight. When I stretch my left leg, I can tell a difference! Still, I'm walking down stairs easier, and the doctor said that's a benchmark for being able to run again. I may try again this week; I admit to being gun shy about another setback, though. S-L-O-W-L-Y!

Meanwhile, I just registered for this year's Magnificent Mile Race in Raleigh. I ran it last year, and enjoyed it even more than I expected to! If you're Triangle area runner, come out and join me!

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