Monday, August 12, 2019

More Progress

I went back to the gym on Saturday morning, and completed two laps without stopping on the indoor track! This felt like a big accomplishment! Truth is, the indoor track is smaller than your average track. Two laps around this track is a quarter of a mile. Not very far, really. But, still, it's progress for me.

Thursday, August 08, 2019

Fewer Stops, Slower Pace

Last evening, I stopped by the gym again to walk around the indoor track. I did two laps, and was going to try not to stop at all. I had to make a pitstop in the ladies locker room, though. So, two laps, one stop. Slower pace, though. I'm feeling it today, disappointing since I didn't do that much. Progress is slow, but it's still progress.

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Another Walk + Milestone

I stopped by the new gym again last evening after work, despite a poor night's sleep the night before. I walked around the indoor track just once, but I made it all the way around without stopping. It wasn't much, but it was something. And there's something to be said for showing up (I hope!).

Nest goal: to make two laps without stopping! 


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