Thursday, March 08, 2018

Run/Walk Club at Work

My employer's annual Run/Walk Club starts next week, and I've signed up!

This training group has been going for a number of years, maybe 15? I joined when it started, but started doing my own training, followed by years of no training. So, I'm trying it again this year, but probably doing it independently, at least for a while. I hope it'll provide some extra motivation,

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Walking Again

Surprised to see me? I'm back to say I'm walking again. Today's walk, a quarter of a mile, was my personal best for 2018! Seriously! I have a long way to go, but it's a start. It's a good way to start 2018. My first big stretch goal is to be able to walk a mile without stopping. Who wants to join me?


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