Sunday, July 25, 2010

The End of Another Running Week

I had a good workout this morning, a ride on the stationary bike (8.1 miles in 45:01 min) followed by some stretching and core work, as well as some upper body strength training. I'm kinda tired, and my biceps are  a little sore, but it's all the "good" kind of tired and sore. Know what I mean? It's just the right amount of "tired and sore" to get me into bed at a decent time tonight, not a bad idea anyway since tomorrow's the beginning of another work week.

In a week that included my normal 3 days of running, 3 days of crosstraining, and a rest day, I run/walked 16.53 miles this week, my highest weekly run/walk total of the year. On one hand, it doesn't sound like very much, especially compared to many other runners I know. But on the other hand, I'm just tired and sore enough that I feel like I gave it a decent amount of effort this week, especially considering the summer heat here in North Carolina.

1 comment:

Johann said...

That's a good week. Remember to rest enough as well. I'm not ready for the new week yet...


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